Vector Engine
The NEC Vector Engine (VE) compute node is available for interactive computing. There are 8 VE Type 20-B-P cards with 8 VE cores per card.
To access the VE compute node:
ssh dss
To setup your environment for the NEC compiler:
export PATH=/opt/nec/ve/bin/:$PATH
source /opt/nec/ve/mpi/3.4.0/bin64/
Turn on printing details about VE card usage:
Example mpi runs:
mpirun –ve 0 –np 8 executable # run on 1 VE card (ve card 0) with 8 VE cores
mpirun –ve 0-1 –np 16 executable # run on 2 VE cards (VE card 0 and 1) with 8 VE cores per card
mpirun –ve 0-7 –np 64 executable # run on 8 VE cards (VE cards 0-7) with 8 VE cores per card
Additional details and tutorials:
NEC Vector Engine: Vectorization for HPC applications VASP on NEC VE
NEC Compiler user manuals: