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ANSYS Fluent is a powerful computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software tool. Fluent includes well-validated physical modeling capabilities to deliver fast, accurate results across the widest range of CFD and multiphysics applications. - Homepage:


Getting started materials: - For example:

Student Forum. Register here and discuss simulation with students worldwide

Access to advanced material and video - see instructions here


ANSYS is open to all HPRC users when used within the terms of our ANSYS license agreement.


Use of ANSYS is only permitted for users that are affiliated with Texas A&M at 

College Station.  Users meeting this criteria are permitted to use ANSYS on HPRC 

systems from anywhere in the United States (including Alaska and Hawaii).  Use 

of this software outside the designated area represents a breach of the license 

and any users caught doing so may be subject to account suspension and/or other action.

If you have particular concerns about whether specific usage falls within the TAMU HPRC license, please send an email to the HPRC Helpdesk. Usage of ANSYS is restricted by the number of available tokens. To see the number of available tokens, use the License Checker Tool.

Loading the Module

To see all versions of ANSYS available:

[ NetID@cluster ~]$ module spider ANSYS

To load a particular version of Ansys on terrra (Example: ANSYS/2022R2):

[ NetID@cluster ~]$ module load ANSYS/2022R2

Known Issues

There is a known issue when using the Ansys GUI for any version of Ansys. The Geometry Editor in the Ansys Workbench will not run properly without also loading an NVIDIA module.

To bypass this bug, load the OpenGL/NVIDIA module before running the Ansys Workbench:

[ NetID@cluster ~]$ module load OpenGL/NVIDIA

Usage on the Login Nodes

Please limit interactive processing to short, non-intensive usage. Use non-interactive batch jobs for resource-intensive and/or multiple-core processing. Users are requested to be responsible and courteous to other users when using software on the login nodes. The most important processing limits here are:

  • ONE HOUR of PROCESSING TIME per login session.
  • EIGHT CORES per login session on the same node or (cumulatively) across all login nodes.

Anyone found violating the processing limits will have their processes killed without warning. Repeated violation of these limits will result in account suspension.

Note : Your login session will disconnect after one hour of inactivity.

Usage on the Computer Nodes

Non-interactive batch jobs on the compute nodes allows for resource-demanding processing. Non-interactive jobs have higher limits on the number of cores, amount of memory, and runtime length.

For instructions on how to create and submit a batch job, please see the appropriate wiki page for each respective cluster:

Input Files for Batch Jobs

An input file can be either a journal file created in earlier Fluent sessions, or a manually created file. In either case, the file must consist only of text interface commands (since the GUI is disabled during batch execution). An example input file is shown below:

; Read case file
rc example.cas
; Initialize the solution
; Calculate 50 iterations
it 50
; Write data file
wd example50.dat
; Calculate another 50 iterations
it 50
; Write another data file
wd example100.dat
; Exit Fluent

Grace Example

NOTE. Use the -i option to specify the input file when using our fluent_slurm wrapper script.

Example 1: A serial (single core) Fluent Job example: (Last updated October 2024)

#SBATCH --job-name=FluentJob    # Sets the job name to FluentJob
#SBATCH --time=5:00:00          # Sets the runtime limit to 5 hr
#SBATCH --ntasks=1              # Requests 1 core
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1     # Requests 1 core per node (1 node)
#SBATCH --mem=5G                # Requests 5GB of memory per node
#SBATCH --output=stdout1.o%J    # Sends stdout and stderr to stdout1.o[jobID]
## Load the necessary modules
module purge
module load ANSYS/2023R2

## Fluent_slurm script will set some parameters for using Fluent correctly on Terra
## NOTE: use -i to specify the input file
fluent_slurm 3d -i inputfile 

Example 2: A parallel (multiple core) Fluent Job example: (Last updated October 2024)


#SBATCH --job-name=FluentJob    # Sets the job name to FluentJob
#SBATCH --time=5:00:00          # Sets the runtime limit to 5 hr
#SBATCH --ntasks=10             # Requests 10 cores
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=10    # Requests 10 cores per node (1 node)
#SBATCH --mem=50G               # Requests 50GB of memory per node
#SBATCH --output=stdout1.o%J    # Sends stdout and stderr to stdout1.o[jobID]

## Load the necessary modules
module purge
module load ANSYS/2023R2

## Fluent_slurm script will set some parameters for using Fluent correctly on Terra
## NOTE: use -i to specify the input file
fluent_slurm 3d -i inputfile 

To submit the batch job, run: (where jobscript is a file that looks like one of the above examples)

[ NetID@terra ~]$ sbatch jobscript