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rclone is a tool for syncing files from HPRC systems to remote storage sites like Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon's AWS and many more. rclone is available all HPRC clusters, including Grace, FASTER, ACES and Launch. If you are using this from grace, then you probably want to use the data transfer nodes (dtns) (i.e.

Configure rclone for your Google Drive

  • configure rclone for your destination, in this case your Google Drive (TAMU or not)
rclone config
  1. choose: n) New remote
  2. pick a name for the drive. e.g. mygdrive
  3. choose the type, in this example we use 17) Google Drive
  4. select the default (blank) option for the following
  5. leave Google Application Client Id blank (default)
  6. leave Google Application Client Secret blank (default)
  7. choose: 1) Full access to all files
  8. leave root_folder_id blank (default)
  9. leave service_account_file blank (default)
  10. when it ask if you want to auto_config, answer 'n' or 'N' for no
  11. at this point, rclone will provide a URL for you to log into in order to get an access code. Open the URL in your local browser and login (in this case to Google). If successful, you will get an access code. Copy/paste the code to the rclone prompt: Enter verification code>
  12. this example is for a non-team drive so answer 'n' to the 'Configure this as a team drive?' prompt
  13. review settings and choose 'y' to save
  14. choose 'q' to exit rclone config
  • These settings will be stored in $HOME/.config/rclone/rclone.conf and can be transferred between systems as needed if you don't want to run 'rclone configure' again. Be sure to keep them secure.

Use rclone with your Google Drive

  • see the rclone man page and --help screen for other commands
  • here's a simple backup of one's $HOME directory (from a specific cluster)
rclone copy $HOME mygdrive:home-<cluster>
  • in your local browser watch as new files are created on your remote storage
  • to update your image (as needed) use something like
rclone sync $HOME mygdrive:home-<cluster>

[more to come]

Google Team Drives

  • use the steps above
  • think of a good (short/easy) name for the team drive you are about to choose
  • when prompted to use a team drive, choose 'y'
  • you will be given a menu of team drives that you have access to, choose one
  • continue like above

Configure rclone for your Microsoft Onedrive

You can access TAMU Microsfot Onedrive using rclone. This configuration require accessing a web browser. We recommend you request a vncjob via portal, or copy configuration from your local Linux (~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf) to your cluster home directory.

  1. Start rclone configuration

rclone config

  1. choose: n) New remote
  2. pick a name for the drive. e.g. myonedrive
  3. choose the type, in this example we use 26) Microsoft Onedrive
  4. select the default (blank) option for the following
    • leave "OAuth Client Id" blank (default)
    • leave "OAuth Client Secret" blank (default)
  5. select "1/ Microsoft Cloud Global" (default "global") for national cloud region for OneDrive
  6. select "No" (default) for "Edit advanced config"
  7. select "Yes" (default) for "Use auto config"
  8. then open URL provided in a browser with URL like Note that the web browser must be running from the same server where you run "rclone" command.
    1. you will be prompt to login Microsoft One drive by providing ""
    2. enter your TAMU NetID Password
    3. provide DUO token
    4. you will then get a message "Approval required" (for accessing your files). Provide a short description for your request. Then click on "Request approval". You will receive an email (to your TAMU email address) for your request.
    5. after you receive the approval email, then start over the process (starting from step one "rclone config")
  9. after getting "Success" message in the browser, select "1/ OneDrive Personal or Business" for "Type of connection"
  10. select "Yes" (default) for accessing "root" drive (sample URL "")
  11. select "Yes" (default) to accept the configuration
  12. choose 'q' to exit rclone config

More information

  • the rclone home page includes more information on services like Dropbox and Amazon AWS S3 and many more.