Bittware FPGA
ACES has three composable BittWare IA-840F cards, which include as their core element the Intel Agilex AGF027 FPGA.
To access the Bittware FPGA devices, submit an interactive job to the bittware partition from the ACES login node:
srun --partition=bittware --time=24:00:00 --pty bash
Getting Started
Intructions coming soon!
Examples coming soon!
External resources coming soon!
Please report any issues encountered on the FPGAs to help@hprc.tamu.edu, and include information about actions taken and/or commands run prior to the error so the HPRC team may reproduce and resolve the issue.
Intel FPGA (deprecated)
ACES formerly had FPGA nodes with Intel PAC D5005 cards to support an older OpenCL development workflow. These devices are no longer available.