File Systems
File Space
Global file space on ACES is available on all compute and login nodes. It is organized into the file systems shown in the table below. Access to the allocated file space is through the indicated directories that are setup automatically for every user.
File System | Directory | Environment Variable | Storage Hardware | File Space Quota | File Counts Quota | Comments |
Home | /home/USERID | $HOME | DDN | 10 GB | 10000 | Upon login, you will be situated in /home/$USER. The use of this area is for small-to-modest amounts of processing: small software, scripts, compiling, editing. Its space and file count limits are not extensible. |
Scratch | /scratch/user/USERID | $SCRATCH | DDN | 1 TB | 250000 | This is high performance storage intended to temporarily hold larger files and is for on-going processing that uses them. It is NOT backed up nor is it intended as long-term storage. Please delete or move out of these area any files that are not frequently used. |
Project | /scratch/group/PROJECTID | $PROJECT | DDN | 5 TB | 500000 | This high performance storage is shared among to members of this particular group. It is not purged while the allocation is active. Data will be removed 90 days after allocation expiration. |
PIs may also establish shared group directories. Contact us or submit a request using the "Manage Groups" button in the Dashboard in the ACES portal.
Quotas & File Use
A user can run the showquota command to display file usage on ACES.
[username@aces ~]$ showquota
Your current disk quotas are:
Disk Disk Usage Limit File Usage Limit
/home/username 1.4G 10.0G 3661 10000
/scratch/user/username 117.6G 1.0T 24226 250000
/scratch/group/projectid 510.5G 5.0T 128523 500000