Maroon Galaxy Accounts
The Maroon Galaxy (v21.01) on Grace is available to students, faculty and staff for research use.
See the Maroon Galaxy usage slides
Before you request an account on Maroon Galaxy, you must do the following:
- Go to and get familiar with Galaxy. You can start with a free account and learn about Galaxy tools.
- Request a Grace Maroon Galaxy account only if you have data to analyze, otherwise use Galaxy for training and practice.
- If you decide that Galaxy is a good choice for your research project
then do the following
- Establish an HPRC account by sending a request. See the NewUser page for details on how to request an account.
- After you have your HPRC account approved, send an email to requesting an account on Maroon Galaxy
- Send us information on what type of data you will be analyzing and which tools you expect to use for your research project.
If you are off campus then you will have to install and run the TAMU VPN to connect to Maroon Galaxy.
Maroon Galaxy can be accessed using your favorite web browser such as Firefox, Chrome or IE.
Set Your Default Account
Use the HPRC My HPRC SU Balance tool. If you are unable to use the tool, you are either out of SUs or need to renew your HPRC account.
You can also check your Grace SU balance at the Grace portal
Data Security
If you have restricted access data then you should not be using Galaxy.
Read the Galaxy privacy notice
Account Security
Do not share your Galaxy account with anyone. Galaxy uses the TAMU Central Authentication Service which is linked to your TAMU account.
Make sure you always logout of Galaxy by selecting User -> Logout and then click the Logout button on the next screen and then close your browser when you are finished using Galaxy.
Permanently Delete unwanted files
In order to free disk space, you should permanently delete files that you have already deleted from the history.
Please make this part of your Galaxy work routine in order to free up disk space.
This is a two step process.
1. Click the X on the history item you want deleted.
2. At the top of the history panel, you will see a link to deleted files. Click that link and then select "Permanently remove it from disk" for the history item that you want removed
Alternative method to permanently delete all deleted files at once:
1. Click the X on the history items you want deleted.
2. Click the 'History options' gear icon and select 'Purge Deleted Datasets' which will permanently delete all deleted datasets for the current history.
Download all files in a history
Click the gear icon and select 'Export History to File'
Then select 'to a remote file' and select 'Click to select directory' and select 'FTP Directory'
Then give it a name ending with .tar.gz and click 'Export'
This will create a tar.gz file in your Galaxy FTP directory which you can download. See the "Downloading Files > 2GB via FTP from Maroon Galaxy to your desktop" section below.
Uploading Files > 2GB via FTP to Maroon Galaxy
From a Unix Computer (Mac or Linux)
Go to the directory containing the file on your local computer. (for example: sample_file.fastq)
Click "Upload File" icon then click "Choose FTP file" for which port to use. Port 2121 is for Maroon Galaxy.
Galaxy | Host | port |
Grace Maroon | | 2121 |
Each Galaxy instance has its own port. The port number can be found by clicking the "Choose FTP file" button in the Galaxy upload tool menu.
Connect to the ftp server using your Maroon Galaxy credentials
sftp -P 2121
Depending on your sftp version or if you are on an Grace fast transfer node, you may have to use the following:
sftp -oPort=2121
The sftp prompt looks like this:
When you see the sftp prompt, you can upload a file with the put command followed by the file name to upload.
put sample_file.fastq
Then you can verify that the file was uploaded by using the ls command.
Then exit the sftp prompt and go to Galaxy to upload files and click the button 'Choose FTP file' which will show you the file you uploaded.
From one of your directories on Grace
You can copy files from one of your directories on Grace to your Galaxy ftp directory and later import it to your history using the 'Choose FTP file' button in the Galaxy upload tool.
Login to Grace using MobaXTerm or a Unix Terminal and go to the directory containing the file on Grace. (for example: cd $SCRATCH/my_dir which contains a file named sample_file.fastq)
Connect to the port number for your Galaxy instance. The example below is for Maroon port 2121
sftp -oPort=2121
The sftp prompt looks like this:
When you see the sftp prompt, you can upload a file from your $SCRATCH directory on Grace to your Galaxy ftp account with the put command followed by the file name to upload.
put sample_file.fastq
Then you can verify that the file was uploaded by using the ls command.
Then exit the sftp prompt and go to Galaxy to upload files and click the button 'Choose FTP file' which will show you the file you uploaded.
Using Bitvise
Download and install the Bitvise client to your Windows computer.
Galaxy | Host | port |
Grace Maroon | | 2121 |
Once connected, drag and drop files from the 'Local files' panel on the left to the 'Remote files' panel on the right.
Using MobaXterm
Click the Session button in the top left corner then click the SFTP button and set Remote Host =, port = 2121 for Maroon Galaxy, also enter your username.
Then in the Advanced Sftp settings tab, check the box for 2-steps authentication and then click the OK button.
Enter your password at the first the password prompt.
The second prompt does not display the DUO authentication menu instead it asks for your password again but you should enter the number 1 to receive a DUO push or phone call whichever is enabled for your account instead of entering your password again. If you have a YubiKey, you can push it at the second password prompt instead of entering the number 1
Using Filezilla
Filezilla does not work with 2 factor authentication for Galaxy ftp uploads. It is recommended to use Bitvise as an alternative.
Using WinSCP
WinSCP does not work with 2 factor authentication for Galaxy ftp uploads due to using non-standard port numbers. It is recommended to use Bitvise as an alternative.
Downloading Files > 2GB via FTP from Maroon Galaxy to your desktop
Stage files to copy
Use the 'Files 2 FTP' tool in Galaxy to copy files from your Galaxy history to your Galaxy FTP directory which is located on Grace.
In the 'Files 2 FTP' tool, add a directory name such as a date or project or history name and then select multiple files to add to the new or existing directory.
After copying files in Galaxy, use your SSH client, (terminal on Mac or Linux, or Bitvise on Windows) and copy files from Galaxy FTP port 2121 to your desktop.
Moving Files > 2GB via FTP from Maroon Galaxy to your Grace $SCRATCH directory
Use the 'Files 2 FTP' tool in Galaxy to copy files from your Galaxy history to your Galaxy FTP directory which is located on Grace.
Login to the Grace command line and go to the directory where you want to download the Galaxy ftp files.
Connect to the port number for your Galaxy instance. The example below is for Maroon port 2121
sftp -oPort=2121
The sftp prompt looks like this:
At the sftp> prompt, list the files to make sure the transfer was successful.
sftp> ls
You can download a file from your Galaxy ftp account to your Grace working directory with the get command followed by the file name.
get sample_file.fastq
Exit the sftp> prompt by typing exit and then type ls to see the file in your Grace scratch working directory.
Download using a terminal
If you are using a terminal, then you can use the sftp command to access your Maroon FTP directory as described in the Uploading via FTP section
Once in your FTP directory, you can 'cd' to the directory you created with the 'Files 2 FTP' tool and use the 'get' command get filename to copy files from your Galaxy FTP directory to your desktop.
You can copy multiple files by using the * wild card character: get file*
You can copy an entire directory using the -r option: get -r directory_name
Download using a GUI client
If you are using the Bitvise GUI as described in the Bitvise section, you can select a file and drag and drop on to your desktop.
Delete files after copying
After you have copied your files from your Grace ftp directory to your desktop, you can delete the file from the ftp directory while logged into the ftp terminal by using rm filename
Deleting a directory using the terminal is a two step process. First delete all files in the directory rm directory_name/* then delete the directory rmdir directory_name
You can also delete the files in the Bitvise interface. Deleting the files after downloading from your ftp directory will save disk space.
Requesting New Galaxy Tools
- Go to or galaxy_toolshed and find a tool you want installed in Galaxy and send us the URL for the tool.
- Send us a list of tools with the URLs that you would like installed so we can install them all at once.
- Each time a tool is installed, the Galaxy server must be restarted.
- We would prefer to install many tools at once and then restart the Galaxy server.
- It is rare that restarting the Galaxy server can corrupt some jobs but it has happened and we want to reduce the chances of interrupting submitted jobs.
When a Galaxy tool is Available
- If you know of an existing Galaxy tool that you have found at, for example, send us a request identifying the URL for the tool in the toolshed repository or
When a tool has no Galaxy interface
- There are some Bioinformatics tools that do not have a Galaxy interface developed.
- We will need to spend more time creating the xml configuration files
and testing.
- This will take more time than adding a tool from the Galaxy toolshed.
- Some tools are simple and can be done rather quickly but others will require extensive development time.
- In some rare cases we may not be able to configure a Galaxy tool for a software application due to the complexity of the tool installation which will not work in the Galaxy environment.
1. Q: My job immediately fails with the message:
The cluster DRM system terminated this job
1. A: Check your file quota at the HPRC Grace portal dashboard or use the 'showquota' command at the Grace command line
2. Q: My job fails after running for a long time with the message:
The cluster DRM system terminated this job
2. A: Check the stderr and stdout for your Galaxy job and see if you see one of the following lines then your job requires more memory or time to run. Contact us to update the tool configuration if needed.
TERM_MEMLIMIT: job killed after reaching LSF memory usage limit.
TERM_RUNLIMIT: job killed after reaching LSF run time limit.
3. Q: My job has been in the queue status for a long time, what is going on?
3. A: First check the Grace command line to see if you job is pending (PEND) in the queue by using the squeue command. If the job is PEND then the cluster is busy at the moment. You can see how busy the Grace cluster is by looking at the System Load Levels on the HPRC homepage.
3. A: Check your SUs to make sure you have enough to run the Galaxy job by using the "My HPRC SU balance" tool in Galaxy or you can use the Unix command 'myproject -l' on the Grace command line or check your balance at the HPRC Grace portal dashboard
Tool specific notes
Fastq groomer
The new Grace Maroon Galaxy automatically detects quality score encoding so there is no need to use Fastq Groomer on newer sequence data generated by the newer Illumina sequencing platforms.
Fastq groomer is generally for older sequence runs that were sequenced on the early Illumina sequence machines.
The fastqsanger format is needed to run many Galaxy tools such as Bowtie. The default format for uploaded fastq files is fastq. If your sequence files are from newer Illumina machines such as the MiSeq and HiSeq, then they are already in fastqsanger format. You can set the type to fastqsanger when uploading or you can click the pencil icon on your file in the right panel and change the datatype to fastqsanger. Both of these options are more efficient than running Fastq groomer.
See Galaxy tutorial on checking if Illumina reads are already in fastqsanger format.
You can find out the specific fastq format of your file by running the FastQC tool and looking at the RawData result for the Encoding.
If you see something like the following then all you need to do instead of running Fastq groomer is to click the pencil icon on your file in the right panel and change the datatype to fastqsanger which is more efficient than running Fastq groomer.
Encoding Sanger / Illumina 1.9
If your file Encoding is already Sanger / Illumina 1.8+ then running fastq groomer on your file will only make an exact duplicate of the file and you will have unnecessarily used up SUs and disk space.
Before you run a Trinity job
Please monitor your file quota during your job run using the following command and request an increase if your job is creating enough files that your file quota might be reached.
Be aware that starting multiple Trinity jobs at the same time may cause you to reach your file quota at a quicker pace. Please monitor your file quota during your job run.
If your Trinity job Fails
- If your Trinity job failed and after you have determined the reason
for you Trinity job failing, you will need to delete the failed job
files by selecting the 'Permanently remove it from disk' link which
is part of a two step process.
- First delete the job file in the right panel by clicking the X, then select the 'deleted' link in the right panel at the top which will show all deleted files.
- Then click the link 'Permanently remove it from disk' for the failed job that you would like to permanently delete which will also delete all temporary files.
- If you do not 'Permanently remove it from disk', then the temporary files from the failed job are still counted towards your quota and your next job will likely fail due to your file quota met again.
For more information on Delete vs Delete Permanently see this link
The Galaxy interface was downloaded from a git repo and was developed to work with RSEM 1.1.17.
Since we have RSEM 1.2.29 installed, we are updating the tool to work with RSEM 1.2.29 which means some additional parameters you select other than the defaults may fail.
We have had success with the default RSEM Galaxy tool settings.
Currently the option "Transcript and genome bam results files" in the RSEM calculate expression tool is not workiing. You should leave it at "No BAM results files" or "Transcript bam results file" for now.
Let us know if specific RSEM options you require cause the tool to fail and we will update the RSEM Galaxy tool.
There are some genomes already available and we can enable other organism genomes upon request.
When requesting additional genomes, send the HPRC helpdesk a link to the genome at NCBI, Ensembl or UCSC or other model organism databases.
Genome Indexes
We can create genome indexes for common model organisms upon request.
These include: bowtie bowtie2 bwa hisat2 picard samtools star
When requesting additional genomes, send the HPRC helpdesk a link to the genome at NCBI, Ensembl or UCSC or other model organism databases.
If you will be using cufflinks on HISAT2 output, you will need to select the following option in the HISAT2 Galaxy tool:
- 'Spliced Alignment Parameters'
- 'Specify spliced alignment parameters'
- 'Transcriptome assembly reporting'
- 'Report alignments tailored specifically for Cufflinks'
- 'Transcriptome assembly reporting'
- 'Specify spliced alignment parameters'
Share your History
with user(s) on the same Galaxy instance
User with History to share:
Click 'History options' -> 'Share or Publish'
Select "Share with another user" and enter the Galaxy users full email address.
User receiving shared history:
Click 'History options' -> 'Histories Shared with Me'
Check the box for the history you want to copy to your list of Histories and click Copy.
Then click the 'View all Histories' icon in the right panel to see the shared history in your list of histories.
Manage your HPRC Accounts
There are a number of different types of tools that are configured to require different amounts of SUs.
Here is how SUs are calculated:
Max runtime Cores Calculation Required SUs
1 day 1 24 hrs * 1 day * 1 core = 48
1 day 48 24 hrs * 1 day * 48 cores = 1152
3 days 48 24 hrs * 3 days * 48 cores = 3456
7 days 48 24 hrs * 7 days * 48 cores = 8064
If a tool does not state how many SUs it requires, then it is most likely configured to use 1 core for 1 day (24 SUs). If you are unsure of how many SUs the tool requires, run your "My HPRC SU balance" tool before you submit a job and then run it again after the job starts running. You will be able to see how many SUs were charged to your account.
Using the following HPRC SU balance as an example, if you have two accounts and one is configured as the default (as indicated by Y in the default column), the SUs will only be taken from the account with Y in the Default column:
Starting balance example:
List of users's Project Accounts
| Account | Default | Allocation |Used & Pending SUs| Balance |
|000000000001| Y| 5000.00| 0.00| 5000.00|
|000000000002| N| 5000.00| 0.00| 5000.00|
After submitting a job that requires 1440 SUs and the job starts running, your balance will look like this:
List of users's Project Accounts
| Account | Default | Allocation |Used & Pending SUs| Balance |
|000000000001| Y| 5000.00| -1440.00| 3560.00|
|000000000002| N| 5000.00| 0.00| 5000.00|
Now if you submit two more jobs that require 1440 SUs, then your balance will look like this once the jobs start running
List of users's Project Accounts
| Account | Default | Allocation |Used & Pending SUs| Balance |
|000000000001| Y| 5000.00| -4320.00| 680.00|
|000000000002| N| 5000.00| 0.00| 5000.00|
Now you should not submit any more jobs that require 1440 SUs since your default account only has 680 SUs.
If you need to submit more 1440 SU jobs, then you will need to change your default account to your other account that has a balance of 5000 SUs.
If you do not change your default and try to submit a 1440 SU job and you only have 680 SUs in your default account, then your job will remain in a queued state and will never run. It will get stopped if Galaxy is restarted but otherwise, you will have to stop the job.
If your three 1440 SU jobs complete early, after 1 day for example, then you will be reimbursed for the unused 2 days (960 SUs per job) for each of the three jobs and your HPRC SU balance will look like this:
List of users's Project Accounts
| Account | Default | Allocation |Used & Pending SUs| Balance |
|000000000001| Y| 5000.00| -1440.00| 3560.00|
|000000000002| N| 5000.00| 0.00| 5000.00|
You can now use the default account if you want to run a job that requires 1440 SUs since the balance has increased to greater than 1440 SUs.