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Zébulon is a non-linear finite element solver of the Z-set suite which addresses the whole range of problems arising in structural mechanics. It is jointly developed by École des Mines ParisTech (France), Onera – the French Aerospace Lab, and NW Numerics & Moldeling, Inc (USA). Zebulon may use multi-threading to accelerate material integration and linear system resolution on a single shared memory machine.

For more information, visit the Zébulon Official Website.

The TAMU License for Zébulon is for Academic Research only.

Loading the Zébulon modules

Grace Instructions:

List the versions of Zébulon installed:

mla zebulon

Load a specific ZebulonVersion to setup your environment to run Zébulon:


Grace Example Job file

A multicore (48 cores per node) example: (Updated Jun. 5, 2021)

#SBATCH --job-name=ZebulonJob           # Sets the job name to ZebulonJob  
#SBATCH --time=2:00:00                  # Sets the runtime limit to 2 hr  
#SBATCH --ntasks=48                     # Requests 48 cores  
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=48            # Requests 48 cores per node  
#SBATCH --mem=360G                      # Requests 360GB of memory per node  
#SBATCH --error=ZebulonJob.job.e%J      # Sends stderr to ZebulonJob.job.e[jobID]  
#SBATCH --output=ZebulonJob.job.o%J     # Sends stdout to ZebulonJob.job.o[jobID]<br \>   
ml purge                                                 # purge all module  
ml ZEBULON/z912                                          # load the modules for ZEBULON/z912   
ml list                                                  # list the modules loaded   
export OMP_NUM_THREADS = $SLURM_NPROCS                   # set OMP_NUM_THREADS to the number of cores requested above  
Zrun -smp $SLURM_NPROCS calcul.inp > calcul.out          # zrun  
exit                                                     # exit when the job is done   

To submit the job to the queue, use the following command:

[ NetID@Grace ~]$ sbatch jobscript