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Q: When do accounts expire?

A: Accounts expire at the start of the new fiscal year (September 1st). You can see when your account expires by going to our Account Management System (AMS) and checking under the Accounts tab.

Q: How do I get more SUs?

A: Students will need to have their PI transfer SUs to them. PIs can apply for up to two Startup accounts, each for up to 200,000 SUs and for not more than 400,000 collective SUs per cluster. After this Startup allocation has run out, PIs will need to apply for a Research allocation. More information on the allocation policies can be found on our Account Allocations page.

Q: I just received my SUs, how can I use them?

A: When you have received your SUs, you will need to either change/set your default account or request in your job file that a certain account will be used.

  • To change your defualt account, use the myproject utility on our systems. More information on the myproject utility can be found on our AMS User Interface page. Also see on my project page.

[NetID@cluster ~]$  myproject -d XXXXXXXXXX
Your default project account now is XXXXXXXXXX.

  • To request a certain account in your job file, add the following line to the directives section of your job file:

In a Slurm Job Script:


Q: How do I set my default account?

A: When you have received your SUs, you will need to either change/set your default account or request in your job file that a certain account will be used.

  • To change your defualt account, use the myproject utility on our systems. More information on the myproject utility can be found on our AMS User Interface page. Also see on my project page.

[NetID@cluster ~]$  myproject -d XXXXXXXXXX
Your default project account now is XXXXXXXXXX.

  • To request a certain account in your job file, add the following line to the directives section of your job file:

In a Slurm Job Script:


Q: How do I transfer SUs?

A: To transfer SUs, PIs will need a Startup or Research allocation (see our Account Allocations page for more information). Once an account has been granted to the PI, they can transfer SUs to any of their researchers on our Account Management System (AMS). If a PI needs to add a new researcher, the PI must contact the Help Desk.

Q: How long will I be able to access HPRC after losing status as a TAMU student/employee?

A: All critical data should be backed up prior to your TAMU status transitioning in any way. As soon as a system member's status switches to inactive, their NetID is locked. Former employees may be extended the professional courtesy of extended NetID use for up to one year for valid purposes. In the case where extended use of a NetID account is warranted, a sponsor (such as the former employee's department, or former student's professor) must submit a NetID request form. This process is detailed below.

Q: How do I get a Guest NetID account for myself or my researchers?

A: Guest NetID accounts are handled by the Identity Management Office. The Guest NetID Account Request Form should be submitted to the Identity Management Office. There are different ways you can submit the form described in the second paragraph of the form.

You will need to specify start and stop affiliation dates on the Guest NetID Request Form. These dates may or may not coincide with HPRC account renewal dates depending on what you list and what gets approved. This Guest NetId Account Request Form is handled by a different department on campus and is separate from the HPRC application. The HPRC application is the one you need to renew with us each year (September 1 - August 31). You must fill out the Guest NetID Account Request Form prior to applying for an HPRC account.

If the person using the Guest NetID intends to user TAMU Wi-Fi or the TAMU VPN (off campus access), those resources must be requested on the Guest NetID Account Request Form.

More information regarding Extended Account Access

For more information regarding extension of NetID, please refer to the Technology Services Identity Security Documentation. Information regarding Extended Account Access can be found in the NetID Lifecycle section in the left panel.