NGS: File Format Tools
Get Chromosome Lengths
Connect to UCSC database and get lengths from their file:
module load UCSCtools/2021.08.21
fetchChromSizes hg19 > hg19.len
Alternately, you can get sizes without having to download a UCSC genome build:
module load UCSCtools/2021.08.21
faSize -detailed -tab genome.fasta > genome.len
Split fasta file into multiple files
Example of splitting a fasta file named myseqs.fa into 100 files
module load UCSCtools/2021.08.21
faSplit sequence myseqs.fa 100 prefix
Create gtf file from UCSC table
Create a ~/.hg.conf file in your home directory with the following contents:
Then load the UCSC tools module
module load UCSCtools
Run the genePredToGtf command on the gene prediction set you want. Here are some sample commands for gene sets refGene and knownGene:
genePredToGtf mm10 refGene mm10_ucsc_refGene.gtf
genePredToGtf mm10 knownGene mm10_ucsc_knownGene.gtf
Validate gff file
on Grace
module load GCC/9.3.0 GenomeTools/1.6.2
gff3validator my_file.gff3
Change sequence file format
gff3 to gtf
module load GCC/8.3.0 OpenMPI/3.1.4 Cufflinks/2.2.1
gffread my.gff3 -T -o my.gtf
See GFF utilities
gtf to gff3
module load GCC/8.3.0 OpenMPI/3.1.4 Cufflinks/2.2.1
gffread my.gtf -E -o my.gff3
bam to fastq or fasta
For single end fastq file output, use BamTools (Grace):
module load GCC/9.3.0 BamTools/2.5.1
bamtools convert -in in.bam -format
| gzip > out.fastq.gz
bamtools convert -in in.bam -format
| gzip > out.fasta.gz
For paired end fastq files output, use picard SamToFastq
module spider picard
re-pair paired end reads in two file
This can be used after trimming if the resulting trimmed files are not properly paired and do not have the same number of reads in each file.
module load iccifort/2020.1.217 BBMap/38.87 in=input_R1.fastq in2=input_R2.fastq out=repaired_R1.fastq out2=repaired_R2.fastq outs=unpaired_sings.fastq
interleave two paired end files
This works with either fastq or fasta formatted files
module load Seqtk/1.2-intel-2015B
seqtk mergepe reads_P1.fastq reads_P2.fastq > interleaved_reads.fastq
de-interleave a paired end file
This works with either fastq or fasta formatted files
module load iccifort/2020.1.217 BBMap/38.87 in=interleaved_reads.fastq out1=reads_R1.fastq out2=reads_R2.fastq
Fastq to Fasta
Seqtk accepts .fastq.gz or .fastq file input format
module load GCC/9.3.0 seqtk/1.3
seqtk seq -A in.fastq.gz > out.fasta
Or for saving in .fasta.gz format
seqtk seq -A in.fastq.gz | gzip > out.fasta.gz
Fastq to Fasta with filter min length
Input fastq file and keep only reads longer than 10000 saved to a fasta file
awk 'BEGIN {OFS = "\n"} {header = $0 ; getline seq ; getline qheader ; getline qseq ; \
if (length(seq) >= 10000) {print ">"header, seq}}' < input_reads.fastq > filtered_gt10kb.fasta
Reformat & Filter using sed & awk
Delete the first line of a file
sed -i '1d' file_name
Add /1 or /2 at end of Fastq headers
Change the original file using "sed -i" instead of making a copy
sed -i '1~4 s/$/\/1/g' my_file_R1.fastq
sed -i '1~4 s/$/\/2/g' my_file_R2.fastq
If your fastq files are gzipped then create a new gzipped file for each read file with \1 or \2 in the header
zcat my_file_R1.fastq.gz | sed '1~4 s/$/\/1/g' | gzip > my_new_file_R1.fastq.gz
zcat my_file_R2.fastq.gz | sed '1~4 s/$/\/2/g' | gzip > my_new_file_R2.fastq.gz
Count bases in Fastq file
awk 'BEGIN{sum=0;}{if(NR%4==2){sum+=length($0);}}END{print sum;}' sequences.fastq
If your file is gzipped
zcat sequences.fastq.gz | awk 'BEGIN{sum=0;}{if(NR%4==2){sum+=length($0);}}END{print sum;}'
Fastq filter min length
Input fastq file and select reads longer than a minimum length of 10000 and save results to a fastq format file
awk 'BEGIN {OFS = "\n"} {header = $0 ; getline seq ; getline qheader ; getline qseq ; \
if (length(seq) >= 10000) {print header, seq, qheader, qseq}}' < input.fastq > filtered_gt10kb.fastq
Fastq filter specifying length range
Input fastq file and select reads longer than a minimum length of 10000 and a maximum of 20000 and save results to a fastq format file
awk 'BEGIN {OFS = "\n"} {header = $0 ; getline seq ; getline qheader ; getline qseq ; \
if (length(seq) >= 10000 && length(seq) <= 20000) {print header, seq, qheader, qseq}}' < input.fastq > filtered_10kb-20kb.fastq
SAMtools tips
Calculate genome coverage from bam
samtools depth my.bam | awk '{sum+=$3} END { print "Average = ",sum/NR}'
Genome size from bam header
samtools view -H my.bam | grep -P '^@SQ' | cut -f 3 -d ':' | awk '{sum+=$1} END {print sum}'
Add MD tags
samtools calmd -b <my.bam> <ref_genome.fasta> > my_md.bam
Java Command options
Raise the maximum memory usage to 225 GB for the picard java process using the java -Xmx option:
module load picard/2.21.6-Java-11
java -Xmx225g -jar $EBROOTPICARD/picard.jar SortSam INPUT=in.sam OUTPUT=out_sorted.bam SORT_ORDER=coordinate TMP_DIR=$TMPDIR
Use multithreading in the java code if any part of the java process can utilize multiple threads.
java -XX:ParallelGCThreads=20 jarfile.jar
UNIX and Job Script Tips
bash aliases
Here are some useful Slurm aliases you can add to your .bashrc file
view all your running jobs
add the following line to your ~/.bashrc
alias q='squeue --format="%.18i %.9P %.50j %.8u %.8T %.10M %.9l %.6D %R" -u $USER'
view CPU utilization for all your running jobs
add the following line to your ~/.bashrc
alias p='pestat -u $USER'
list directory contents newest first
alias lss='ls -lsth'
alias lsh='ls -lsth | head'
alias lshh='ls -lsth | head -20'