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myproject for Project Allocations

For convenience, this topic has been summarized in a short video lesson, which can viewed here.

On both clusters, the command "myproject" is the tool that allows you to 1) check allocations(default and project) 2) set default allocation account 3) show all past completed jobs.

myproject -h
     -d accountNo: Set accountNo as the default project account
         -e YYYY-MM-DD: Specify end date (00:00 AM) for job records
                    (-j option must be specified.)
         -h: Display this help and exit.
     -j accountNo (or 'all'): Produce the job records in current fiscal year for 
         the selected project account or all project accounts when 'all' is given.
     -l: List all the active local project accounts.
     -p accountNo: List uncomplted jobs for accountNo.
         -s YYYY-MM-DD: Specify start date (00:00 AM) for job recrods.
                    (-j option must be specified.)
         -c: Display job records with line length <= 80 chars.
                    (-j option must be specified.)

Examples below show the most common usage of "myproject" command:

Set Default Allocation

"myproject -d xxxxxxx" sets the project account xxxxxxx to be the default account to be charged when jobs are submitted by the user. The default project account will be overridden by "#SBATCH -A yyyyyy" in a job script for a particular job.

[user@cluster ~]$myproject -d 122858321140
Your default project account now is 122858321140.

Check Allocation

The "-l" option list all projects for the user on clusters.

[user@cluster ~]$myproject -l
List of user's Project Accounts
|  Account   | Default | Allocation |Used & Pending SUs|   Balance  |          PI         |
|1228000223136|        N|    10000.00|              0.00|    10000.00|Doe, John           |
|1428000243716|        Y|     5000.00|            -71.06|     4928.94|Doe, Jane           |
|1258000247058|        N|     5000.00|             -0.91|     4999.09|Doe, Jane           |

List Completed Jobs

The "-j" option list jobs completed on cluster. If the extra "-s" and "-e" option are not specified, all jobs in current fiscal year (starting from 9/1 to 8/31 next year) are listed.

[user@cluster ~]$myproject -j 122858329759
------------------------------------------------------------ List of Jobs ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|ProjectAccount|    JobID    |JobArrayIndex|     SubmitTime     |      StartTime     |      EndTime       | Walltime | TotalSlots |  UsedSUs   |
|122858329759  |1739566      |0            |2015-09-14 15:18:16 |2015-09-14 15:18:16 |2015-09-14 15:18:27 |        11|           1|        0.00|
|122858329759  |1739567      |0            |2015-09-14 15:18:32 |2015-09-14 15:18:33 |2015-09-14 15:28:41 |       608|           1|        0.17|
|122858329759  |1739568      |0            |2015-09-14 15:18:42 |2015-09-14 15:18:42 |2015-09-14 15:19:09 |        27|           1|        0.01|
|122858329759  |1739569      |0            |2015-09-14 15:18:43 |2015-09-14 15:18:44 |2015-09-14 15:19:15 |        31|           1|        0.01|
|122858329759  |1739570      |0            |2015-09-14 15:18:44 |2015-09-14 15:18:45 |2015-09-14 15:18:55 |        10|           1|        0.00|
|122858329759  |1739578      |0            |2015-09-14 15:20:31 |2015-09-14 15:20:33 |2015-09-14 15:20:40 |         7|           1|        0.00|
|122858329759  |1739579      |0            |2015-09-14 15:20:42 |2015-09-14 15:20:43 |2015-09-14 15:22:01 |        78|           1|        0.02|
|122858329759  |1739580      |0            |2015-09-14 15:20:46 |2015-09-14 15:20:47 |2015-09-14 15:20:54 |         7|           1|        0.00|
|122858329759  |1739581      |0            |2015-09-14 15:20:47 |2015-09-14 15:20:48 |2015-09-14 15:20:55 |         7|           1|        0.00|
|122858329759  |1739582      |0            |2015-09-14 15:20:48 |2015-09-14 15:20:49 |2015-09-14 15:20:57 |         8|           1|        0.00|
|122858329759  |2259750      |0            |2016-03-07 12:46:13 |2016-03-07 12:46:15 |2016-03-07 13:28:55 |      2560|           1|        0.71|
|122858329759  |2259751      |0            |2016-03-07 12:46:15 |2016-03-07 12:46:16 |2016-03-07 13:28:54 |      2558|           1|        0.71|
|122858329759  |2259752      |0            |2016-03-07 12:46:17 |2016-03-07 12:46:18 |2016-03-07 12:56:01 |       583|           1|        0.16|
|122858329759  |2259753      |0            |2016-03-07 12:46:19 |2016-03-07 12:46:20 |2016-03-07 12:55:59 |       579|           1|        0.16|
|122858329759  |2259754      |0            |2016-03-07 12:46:21 |2016-03-07 12:46:22 |2016-03-07 12:49:27 |       185|           1|        0.05|
|122858329759  |2259755      |0            |2016-03-07 12:46:24 |2016-03-07 12:46:25 |2016-03-07 12:49:27 |       182|           1|        0.05|
|122858329759  |2259756      |0            |2016-03-07 12:46:26 |2016-03-07 12:46:26 |2016-03-07 12:47:38 |        72|           1|        0.02|
|122858329759  |2259757      |0            |2016-03-07 12:46:28 |2016-03-07 12:46:28 |2016-03-07 12:47:38 |        70|           1|        0.02|
|122858329759  |2261528      |0            |2016-03-08 11:05:32 |2016-03-08 11:05:33 |2016-03-08 11:05:36 |         3|           1|        0.00|
|122858329759  |2261530      |0            |2016-03-08 11:06:08 |2016-03-08 11:06:09 |2016-03-08 11:06:14 |         5|           1|        0.00|
|122858329759  |2261547      |0            |2016-03-08 11:07:34 |2016-03-08 11:07:35 |2016-03-08 11:08:15 |        40|           1|        0.01|
|122858329759  |2261550      |0            |2016-03-08 11:07:55 |2016-03-08 11:07:56 |2016-03-08 20:08:03 |     32407|           1|        9.00|
|122858329759  |2261694      |0            |2016-03-08 11:59:49 |2016-03-08 11:59:50 |2016-03-08 12:00:17 |        27|           1|        0.01|
|Total Jobs: 1021      |Total Usage: 1220.41   |

List Incomplete Jobs

The "-p" option lists the pending (incomplete jobs) pre-charged to the project specified for this option. The pre-charged SUs listed in the output will be removed after the jobs are completed, and those completed jobs will be charged by their actual used SUs.

[user@cluster ~]$myproject -p 122858329759
|   Job Id   |State|#Cores|#EffectiveCores|Walltime(H)|Pending SUs|
|7841656     |  RUN|     1|              1|       1.00|        1.00|
|Total Jobs: 1      |Total Pending SUs: 1.00        |