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Getting Started

Researcher accounts on Launch are managed through NSF ACCESS. Note that ACCESS is a national program funded by the National Science Foundation. It is not specific to Texas A&M University.

Getting an ACCESS Account

To get started with ACCESS and set up your ACCESS ID, follow our instructions at Helpful Pages: Getting Started with ACCESS.

Getting an Account on Launch

Researchers can request an Explore-level allocation on Launch through ACCESS.

See the ACCESS "Get your First Project" page in the ACCESS documentation to learn how to apply.

You will also be given temporary access if you register for one of our Training sessions on Launch.

Portal login

Authorized ACCESS users can log in using the Web Portal:

To learn more about the Web Portal, please visit the Portal kb page for additional information.

(Note: the above video talks about the ACES cluster, which is not part of Launch, but the process described is the same for both.) Launch-specific videos will be available soon.

No SSH login

Direct ssh login is currently not available for Launch. Please log in through the portal.