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Batch Job Translation Guide

Translation Tables

User Commands

The table below contains command translation that would be run from the login nodes of the cluster for job control and monitoring purposes.

User Commands LSF Slurm PBS/Torque
Job submission bsub [script_file] sbatch [script_file] qsub [script_file]
Job deletion bkill [job_id] scancel [job_id] qdel [job_id]
Job status (by job) bjobs [job_id] squeue --job [job_id] qstat [job_id]
Job status (by user) bjobs -u [user_name] squeue -u [user_name] qstat -u [user_name]
Queue list bqueues squeue qstat -Q

Environment Variables

The table below lists environment variables translations that can be useful in a job file.

Environment Variables LSF Slurm PBS/Torque

Job Specifications

The table below lists translations for various directives that set characteristics and resources requirements for jobs.

Job Specification




Script directive




Node Count

( Calculated from: CPUs/CPUs_per_node )

-N [min[-max]]

-l nodes=[count]

CPUs Per Node

-R "span[ptile=count]"


-l ppn=[count]

CPU Count

-n [count]

-n [count]

( Calculated from: CPUs_per_node * Nodes )

Wall Clock Limit

-W [hh:mm]

-t [min] or -t[days-hh:mm:ss]

-l walltime=[hh:mm:ss]

Memory Per Core

-M [mm] AND
-R "rusage[mem=mm]"
* Where mm is in MB


-l mem=[mm]
* Where mm is in MB

Standard Output File

-o [file_name]

-o [file_name]

-o [file_name]

Standard Error File

-e [file_name]

-e [file_name]

-e [file_name]

Combine stdout/err

(use -o without -e)

(use -o without -e)

-j oe (both to stdout) OR -j eo (both to stderr)

Event Notification

-B and/or -N
* For Begin and/or End

* See 'man sbatch' for all types

-m [a/b/e]
* For Abort, Begin, and/or End

Email Address

-u [address]


-M [address]

Job Name

-J [name]


-N [name]

Account to charge

-P [account]


-l billto=[account]


-q [queue]

-q [queue]

-p [queue]

Advanced Documentation

This guide only covers the most commonly used options and useful commands.

For more information on Slurm batch options: Official Slurm Documentation

For more information on LSF batch options: Official LSF Documentation

For more information on PBS batch options: Official Altair Documentation