High Performance Computing Day 2009

May 6, 2009

Opening Remarks (PDF)
Lee Panetta (Atmospheric Sciences, Chair of Steering Committee)

A Very Brief Look at the Beginnings of the Supercomputing Facility (PDF)
Spiros Vellas (Supercomputing Facility)

Hurricane Surge Response Functions (PDF)
Jennifer Irish (Civil Engineering)

Boosting Productivity with Advanced User Services (PDF)
Raffaele Montuoro (CIS Supercomputing)

Computational Catalysis and Electrocatalysis (PDF)
Perla Balbuena (Chemical Engineering)

Supercomputing Studies of Light-Matter Interactions in Materials and Molecules (PDF)
Roland Allen (Physics)

HPC: Challenges, Opportunities and the Pain Ahead
Lennart Johnson (Computer Science, U. of Houston)

Computational Mechanics: A Powerful Scientific Methodology (PDF)
J.N. Reddy (Mechanical Engineering)

Numerical Simulations of Atmospheric Chemistry and Its Impacts on Weather and Climate (PDF)
Renyi Zhang (Atmospheric Sciences)

Characterization and Design of Materials for Engineering Applications (PDF)
Tahir Cagin (Chemical Engineering)