Research Software
This page contains information on our research software projects.
Cloud Bazzar
Cloud Bazzar is intended to be an application that can estimate the price of running an HPC batch job on the cloud.
Information on Cloud Bazzar's projected spend and consumption can be found in the flyer below.

Figure 1. Cloud Bazzar Flyer
Matlabsubmit is a tool developed at HPRC to run Matlab simulations on HPRC compute nodes without the need to create/submit a batch script. Matlabsubmit will automatically generate and submit a batch script with the correct batch parameters and code to start a Matlab session that runs the Matlab script or function. Also, matlabsubmit will generate boilerplate Matlab code to set up the environment (e.g. the number of computational threads) and, if needed, start a parpool using the requested number of workers (both single and multiple nodes).
Tamulauncher is an alternative to using job arrays to run serial or multi-threaded commands. tamulauncher is the preferred way to execute a large number of short running serial or multi-threaded commands. tamulauncher takes as arguments a text file containing all the commands and distributes them over the requested nodes, employing intra-node load balancing. tamulauncher keeps track of all executed commands, and when restarted, it will continue where it left off from a previous run, skipping already executed commands. tamulauncher has been successfully tested to execute over 200K commands.
Tamubatch is a tool designed to facilitate job submissions on the Ada and Terra clusters. The tool ingests a job file of executable commands and directly adds parameters to the job file so the user does not have to enter parameters every time. The user can specify specific batch commands with the use of flags or they may use tamubatch's default batch parameters. On completion of a job, the job results will be located in the same directory unless directed otherwise.