Data Storage Policy
Last updated: October 19, 2018
Who can store data
Only HPRC staff and HPRC users can store data on HPRC systems, be those compute or just systems dedicated to archiving.
Permitted Data
Only the following types of data are permitted for storage on HPRC systems:
- Data that serve as input to executables that are run on HPRC systems
- Data that is output from executables that are run on HPRC systems
- Executable files that are run on HPRC systems
- Other directly relevant files: source code, object files, user libraries, include files, make files, etc
Any data containing any confidential or restricted information as per the TAMU Data Classification Standard CANNOT BE STORED ON HPRC RESOURCES.
Core File Deletion
Users should regularly delete core files in their directories. Core files that are useful to a user should be renamed with a name that does not contain the "core" substring. All disk-resident core files will be periodically deleted.
Home Backups
The HPRC staff archives on a regular (nightly) basis all user home directories (/home/$USER
) on all computational servers
Backing up of Non-Home Files on the Archive
User files that are not stored in users' home directories are not backed up. You can, however, manually back up any files you consider valuable to the archive system. Users are strongly encouraged to also copy their data to storage outside of the HPRC resources. Instructions on how to archive data files can be found in the user guides.
Disk file quotas for home directories are normally 10GB on all compute clusters. For other disk areas consult the appropriate user guide.
Disk-Resident Data Retention
All disk-resident user data, on all compute servers, will be deleted six months after account deactivation unless a user has made prior arrangements with the HPRC staff and/or the affected data are covered by special provisions. (An account is deactivated if it is not renewed yearly during the August - September 15 period)
Cluster Scratch Storage is Not for Long Time Storage
All non-home disk-resident areas (e.g., /scratch), on all compute clusters, are made available to meet the current needs of active users. Such areas are not meant in any way to provide long-term storage. Users are expected to continually delete or move elsewhere files that are not being used for current work. The staff will periodically delete older user files when the fill level reaches 90% of capacity. The HPRC will send out notices before such action takes place.
Contractual Conditions
Faculty and/or student users who plan to leave Texas A&M and whose directories contains files that contractually must be preserved must contact the HPRC staff in writing to that effect in order to make secure arrangements for their eventual disposition.
Three Years Maximum Tenure
Three (3) years is the maximum residency period for an archived file since its most recent use, if space is available. Extensions can be granted by written notification (to helpdesk) or at account renewal time. But, past the 3-year period and with no extension granted such files will be deleted.