Python Tools for Geosciences


Instructor: Abishek Gopal

Time: Friday, April 1, 2022 — 1:30PM-4:00PM CT

Location: Blocker 220

Prerequisites: Current HPRC account, experience with Python or scientific programing languages (MATLAB, NCL etc), some experience with data structures and Jupyter notebooks is recommended

This short course will introduce Python packages relevant to Geoscientific data analysis. We will introduce the Pangeo collection of python-based utilities to process and visualize output from General Circulation Models (GCMs). This class is intended to serve as an exploratory class on Geoscience-related Python packages for users with some proficiency in other scripting & programming languages (MATLAB, NCL, etc).

Course Materials

Previous Semester Materials

  • Pre-class instructions: here
  • Python Tools for Geosciences (Fall 2021): PDF


This course focuses, among others, on the following topics:

  • Brief introduction to the Pangeo framework
  • Data structures in xarray
  • Reading and writing netCDF files using xarray
  • Visualizing xarray DataArrays with cartopy
  • Grid-aware, spatial operations using xgcm
  • Accessing Buoy and Satellite data with Siphon

Note: During the class sessions many aspects of the material will be illustrated live via a Jupyter notebook.