Third Annual Texas A&M Research Computing Symposium
Last Updated: May 8, 2019
Call for Participation - Closed
Call for Research Talks, Posters and Demonstrations
If you are interested in giving a talk, presenting a poster, or doing a demonstration about your research and its computational challenges please indicate this on the registration and RSVP
form. Possible topics include (but are not limited to):
- Applications of High Performance Computing to solving real-world problems
- Approaches to conducting research with "big data"
- Life cycle aspects of research data, including open access and other data sharing issues
- Applications of HPC in non-traditional areas, such as economics, psychology, sociology, and the humanities
- Research applications of cloud computing resources
- Algorithms
- Hardware and software architectures for HPC and data intensive computing
- Software and middleware for scientific and technical computing
- Education and training related to research computing and HPC
- And related topics
Demonstrations of hardware or software developed through your research will be presented during the Wednesday late afternoon reception. Table space and AC power will be provided.