Introduction to Scientific Python
Instructor: Zhenhua He
Time: Friday, February 18, 2022 1:30PM-4:00PM CT
Location: Blocker 220 and online using Zoom
Prerequisites: Active HPRC account, basic Python skills
This short course covers several topics and packages for scientific programming in Python.
Course Materials
- Course Slides: PDF
- Course Notebook (Spring 2022): Python Notebook
- Colab Notebook (Spring 2022): Python Notebook
- Accessing Jupyter Notebook Handout (Spring 2022): PDF
- Course Material (Spring 2022): GitHub
Previous Semester Materials
- Course Slides: PDF
- Course Notebook (Fall 2021): Python Notebook
- Colab Notebook (Fall 2021): Python Notebook
- Accessing Jupyter Notebook Handout (Fall 2021): PDF
- Course Notebook (Spring 2021): Python Notebook
- Course Material (Spring 2021): GitHub
- Accessing Jupyter Notebook Handout (Spring 2021): PDF
- Course Slides (Spring 2021): PDF
- Course Notebook (Spring 2020): Python Notebook
- Course Files (Fall 2019): ZIP
- Course Files (Spring 2019): tar.gz
- Notebook Access Instructions: PDF
- Notebook Cheat Sheet: PDF
- Installing Jupyter for use with Course Notebook: Link
This course focuses, among others, on the following topics:
- Numpy
- Matplotlib
- Scipy
- Numba
- Errors in Scientific Computing
Note: During the class sessions many aspects of the material will be illustrated live via a Jupyter notebook.