Introduction to Linux
Instructor: Wes Brashear
Time: Friday, January 24, 2025 10:00AM-12:30PM CT
Location: Blocker 220
Prerequisites: Active HPRC account
This course introduces basic Linux commands commonly used for management of files and directories (copy, move, delete, compress, extract, archive, transfer), I/O redirection, environment customization, and remote access. In this course, the instructor will lead the class to perform basic operations in the Linux operating system using a live terminal.
Course Materials
The presentation slides are available as downloadable PDF files.
- Introduction to Linux (Spring 2024): PDF
Previous Semesters Course Materials
Learning Objectives and Agenda
In this course, participants will:
- Log into the Grace cluster
- Learn to use basic commands to handle files, redirect I/O, and execute scripts
- Learn the basic components of shell scripting
A typical outline of the topics covered in the Introduction to Linux short course is provided below. Because of the interactive nature of this course, some of the topics listed below may be introduced in a different order and covered to different depths.
- Connecting to the system
- Getting started
- Linux command format
- "man" pages
- Basic commands
- Basics of the Linux filesystem
- Command line shortcuts
- Quoting
- I/O redirection
- Shell variables
- Shell concepts
- File transfers
Note: During the class sessions many aspects of the material will be illustrated live via a login to a training system. Attendees will complete these parts along with the instructor on their own laptops. They will need to configure their laptops to use the TAMU wireless network. Relevant details on this can be found at: