ACES: Introduction to Data Science in R
Instructor: Wesley Brashear
Time: Tuesday, March 25, 2025 10:00AM-4:00PM CT (with a one hour lunch break)
Location: Online using Zoom
Prerequisites: Current ACCESS ID, basic Linux/Unix skills
This course is an introduction to the R programming language and covers the fundamental concepts needed to operate in the R environment. Students are not required to have any prior experience with R.
Tutorial material may be followed independently by following instructions in the course materials linked below.
Course Materials
Learning Objectives and Agenda
In this course, participants will:
- Learn about R data structures frequently used in the data sciences
- Learn how to manipulate data frames and tibbles using the R tidy package
- Learn how import data from Excel and csv style spreadsheets
- Learn how to conduct Principal Component Analysis in R
- Learn how to conduct regression analyses in R
- Learn how to plot data using the ggplot2 package
This course focuses, among others, on the following topics:
- Data types
- Built-in functions
- Data structures
- Plotting
Note: During the class sessions many aspects of the material will be illustrated live via a login to ACES. You will need an ACCESS ID and be able to login to ACES in order to participate in the exercises in R.