Google Classroom
The Google classroom provides an interactive experience, consisting of small lectures and demos, followed by quizzes and exercises. The classrooms open up On Friday April 8 and participants have until the end of the semester to complete. Estimated time to complete the lectures, demos, and exercises is around 3 hours. Upon successful completion, participants will receive an electronic certificate of participation.
Registration is limited to TAMU faculty, staff, and students.
Once the Google classroom is opened, we will e-mail registrants a class code and instructions for joining the Google Classroom for this material.
Prerequisites: Working knowledge of C/C++ or FORTRAN; Intro to Linux or Unix/Linux skills; HPRC account.
Course Materials
YouTube Playlist
Videos on HPRC YouTube channel
Introduction to Code Parallelization Using OpenMP
Invite Code: e2nxmj3
Friday, April 8
- Basic Architectural overview
- Shared memory parallelization concepts
- Compiling and running OMP programs
- Structure of OpenMP directives/pragmas
- OpenMP Work sharing constructs
- Synchronization directives/pragmas
Introduction to Code Parallelization Using MPI
Invite Code: yyt5ksx
Friday, April 8
- Layout of an MPI program
- Compilation and running of MPI programs
- Message passing concepts
- Point-to-point communication
- Collective communications
- Blocking and non-blocking communication